When I was in seventh grade I started looking at Christians and who they were. What I was for the most part was people who said and did on thing on Sunday mornings and Wednesday night (awanna) then went out and lived something else entirely throughout the week. With few exceptions all I saw in the Church was a bunch of hypocrites(the thing I hated most in this wold was hypocrites). So, I left the church and God, I was gonna find my own way. for about two years I searched. They say hind sight is 20/20.
What I failed to realize is that while all I was seeing was hypocrisy, there was something else at work. Gods grace. I am not making excuses for the sins that myself or others were committing, but as you read through the Bible God uses the flawed among us to accomplish His will. King David is called a man after God's own heart after he commits adultery, and murders a man to cover it up. Peter who swears that he will not betray Christ, than denies Him less than 24 hours later, is call the rock upon which Christ will build his church. The 11 disciples, men who continually question, doubt, and totally misunderstand Christ teachings are the same men who were used by God on Pentecost to bring many to Christ. Paul who called him self the greatest of sinners and who, before his conversion was on a mission to kill all Christians, was the first, and perhaps greatest, missionary to the gentiles. The point is that God uses the imperfect people that we are to bring people to him, & while we are all hypocrites, it is Gods grace that saves us and allows us to be tools for His work.
God's grace is totaly amazing. That he would agree to die as he did to save us - who continually work against him is beyond belief. That his grace continues after our salvation, when we walk away from him, refuse to listen to him, or refuse to do what he asks - He never gives up on us, no matter what we do. We are all broken people who serve a living Savior in a broken world. May we serve at the pleasure of our Savior.