Thursday, July 14, 2011

"Correspondence with Nature"

Forgive me this is a long Quote:

"The light really began to dawn  on him as he (Mr. Howells) was reading an outstanding book of that time, Professor Henry Drummond's Natural Law in the Spiritual World.  Drummond was telling how he never thought it possible to give a definition of life. till he found one of the works of Hebert Spencer, who said that life is a "correspondence with nature."  A child is born with five senses and various bodily organs, and each corresponds with something in his environment:  the eye sees sights, the ear hears sounds, the lungs breath air, and so on.  "While I can correspond with my environment, I have life,"  said Spencer; "but if something happened which prevented me from corresponding with my environment then I should be dead; death is a failure of correspondence."
Drummond took the definition back to Adam.  The Lord told him that the day he disobeyed, he would surely die.  Did he die?  on Spencer's definition he died spiritually, for though he continued to have natural life, he lost his correspondence with God and could only come back to Him by way of sacrifice, the way of a victim is killed in his stead." --"Reese Howells Intercessor:  The Story Of A Life Lived For God" pp 29-20

First off I want to point out that Adam and Eve did die a physical death, as well as a spiritual death, though the physical death was not immediate.
Second I have never heard it described like this before, and it is probably the most accurate analogy that I have ever heard.  Jesus is the eternal sacrifice that satisfies, the requirement of a sacrifice to correspond with God.
Third, our relationship with God should be as natural as breathing, hearing, or seeing.  These are natural to us we just do them, unless of course there is some deformity, that would cause us not to.  In the same way we should naturally be in a relationship with God the Father through Christ and the Holy spirit.  We must believe and be born of  Him.  For even Satan and the demons believe and tremble.  I also know many people who believe that Christ is the Son of God but are unwilling to make him Lord of their life.  It should be as natural a relationship as the one we have with our parents.
For as much as I "know" about Christ and the relationship I should have with him this passage in Grubb's book really made me ponder if what I have is correspondence with Him.

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