Monday, July 11, 2011

Relearning 12 Spiritual Disciplines Week 1: Meditation

I started working on a new Bible study last week, "Spiritual Classics, Selected Readings for Individuals and Groups on the Twelve Spiritual DIsciplines", long title I know, but I have been in a place over the last couple of years where I haven't been very consistent in practicing any spiritual discipline.  The first discipline is Meditation, now os all the topics in the book meditation is the one that I could never quite wrap my head around.  I just don't really get how to do it.  I looked up the definition of meditation, Webster's define's is as the act of meditating.  This is their definition for meditate: to engage in contemplation or reflection; to focus ones thoughts on: reflect on, ponder over.    I understand the concept os meditation, I just have a really hard time doing it.  I thinks its because I'm dyslexic.  From the the time I was really young I have always used association to compensate.  I have learned to think in patterns, and associations.  In turn thinking about one thing has always been difficult, because when I am thinking about something I will automatically associate it with something else and move on to that.  With that in Mind I start my study on the discipline meditation, hoping to learn how to do it correctly and consistently.

The first reading in the book was by Thomas More.  It is just a meditation the he wrote down. The first couple lines are :
     Give me thy grace, good Lord,
     To set the world at naught,
     To set my mind fast upon thee.
That in essence is what spiritual meditation is, setting your mind on the divine things and not on the worldly.  Sounds simple right, but how do you do it?  That is what I intend to find out over the next three weeks.  This weeks reading is by Joyce Hugett, expounding on the importance of meditation ad how to meditate.

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