Thursday, July 7, 2011


I keep running across things that Rob Bell and others like him say, and it bugs me.  I was having a hard time figuring out why is bugged me so much, until just now I realized why is bugs me so much.  It's my theology, I know what I believe.   For the most part, and I have struggled through a lot of the "tough" questions of Christianity.  Here's what I have so Far:
     -There is one triune God; God the father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit
     -God the Father sent his only Son to Earth to be to die and rise again to defeat death and satan once and for all, and that all who believe in Him are saved through grace, and not of works
      -Through Jesus is the ONLY way to have a relationship the Father, and to eternal life
      -God alone is sovereign
      -The Holy Spirit indwells all who believe
      -The Bible is the inspired (by the Holy Spirit) inherent word of God
      -There is an eternity either with God, heaven, or without God, hell
      -We see God through our existence and not as he fully is (this does not mean however the knowledge os his character given to us in the Bible is in any way false or untrue, or that it is impossible to know God on a personal level, only that we have an incomplete understanding of Him.  Scripture acknowledges this.)

Now there is a lot more to my theology than what is listed here, but I think for the most part I have listed the major points.  There are some points of my theology that I am willing to debate, but there are also points that are nonnegotiable.  For a leader of a body of believers to "spark debate" without leading that debate to it's conclusion is irresponsible.  The point of asking questions, and debating should not be to tear each other down or to change someone's mind, but to truly seek God and learn from the opinions of others.  A leader should be leading people to the answers not just throwing the questions out there.

There is more I could say, about this, but I far I am already rambling.  There is one more thing I need to take care of.  There are a few men of God that helped me through the early years of forming my theology into coherent thought:
Dr. Rushing
Professor Webb
Dr. Nebeker
Hudson Shires
John Write
These men spent time teaching and discussing the Bible and theology with me.  I am almost positive that I am not in total agreement with any of them, but they taught me how to look at the Bible and theology in a systematic and rational way. 

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